Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Community Highlights

Resident Spotlight- Toni

"I arrived at Deborah’s Legacy in March after being released from jail. Upon moving in I was broken, scared, and didn’t know who I was. All I knew was that I didn’t like the person I had become. Deborah’s Legacy offered me many things, and my acceptance of these things is a big factor in where and who I am today. I was offered the love of the Lord, a solid foundation, acceptance for who I was and where I had been, and unconditional love. These were all new to me, but everything I needed. I have grown and am continuing to find out who “Toni” really is. I am grateful today to be able to say thank you to all of you that support this program. My journey has been amazing and will continue to be."
Toni is in Stage 3 of the Legacy program- Mentoring roommates, saving for her future, and making a transition plan for her next stage of independence. We appreciate the heart she has for the community and look forward to the role she can play as our first graduate. 

In 2015, Legacy has...

  • welcomed 7 women into the program
  • celebrated 4 level advancements
  • helped 6 women find employment
  • referred 20+ women to outreach programs 
Generous people from North Platte and beyond lovingly support our residents' efforts to maintain recovery, heal from wounds, enjoy stable employment, and find safe housing. Such support sends a powerful message of hope to women who walk through our doors. Find out how you can join our Legacy community by visiting our redesigned webpage and clicking on the serve or donate tabs. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Legacy is NOT a Government Agency

(As promised in the previous post, this is the first in a three part series explaining what Legacy is all about. A foundations class, if you will… “Life at Legacy 101”) 
by Stephanie Miller

 The most terrifying words in the English language are: 
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
~Ronald Reagan

If you agree with Ronald Reagan's famous quip above, you'll appreciate the unique, faith-based, non-governmental ways Deborah's Legacy seeks to reach struggling women in our community. 

Let me state upfront that DL gladly partners with a number of wonderful government agencies including: DHHS, Workforce Development, Heartland Counseling & Consulting, North Platte Police Department, Lincoln County Sheriff's Department, Midwest Nebraska Drug Court and others.  We appreciate the important services each agency provides and have seen incredible examples of the love and dedication motivating these public servants. So no government bashing here.

Legacy, however, has purposefully chosen an alternate path. While the government can legislate obedience and punish disobedience to affect change, a life transformed by the gospel of Christ changes a person from the inside out. This is lasting change.

Such a task is "messy" and hard to systemize at times.  Loving people well (like Christ loves us) includes holding them to certain standards as well as forgiving "seventy times seven" (Matt 18:21-22).  At Legacy we strive for a balance between accountability and freedom, truth and grace. So, we attempt to run each decision, each rule, each activity through that messy & inexact filter… 

Here's a glimpse at several practical and specific ways DL offers Christ-like love to each resident:
  • Giving each woman her own house key. This simple gesture powerfully communicates love to our residents, many who are trying to escape some sort of imprisonment (both literal and figurative): jail, substances, unhealthy relationships, poverty.   By simply giving them a key, we are saying, “We believe you can do this! Welcome HOME, where you are valued beyond measure.”
  • Giving each woman an individualized welcome basket including a Life Recovery Bible, beauty products, journal, other personal items, and a note from our staff or prayer team. We want each woman to know she has been prayed over and loved before she has even stepped foot onto Legacy property. The message we hope to communicate: "You are loved for who you are, not what you do."
  • Offering personalized attention. We want each woman to know we are “for them” in a very practical, individualized way- prayer in the ER, a supportive shoulder in the court room, cake to celebrate milestones, tears over coffee in times of defeat. We hope to foster a sense of "one" community (including residents, staff, volunteers…)- A community of fellow strugglers who share burdens and walk this difficult road of life together. 
  • Praying for each woman in a meaningful, concentrated, intentional way. God has assembled a team of Legacy prayer warriors, who humbly and fearlessly engage in spiritual battle on behalf of the entire community. Recognizing residents as sisters and fellow strugglers, our team meets weekly to pray for and encourage one another.
  • Connecting ladies with faith-based resources. Because we believe Christ is what truly changes lives, we encourage our residents to tap into some of the amazing faith-based resources in our community: counseling, legal support, church, recovery programs etc…We are so thankful for the many Christian professionals who have partnered with Legacy to provide services to our ladies! We also offer our own classes as well, covering everything from healthy finances to healthy relationships, all based on Biblical principles.

Again, while our faith guides Legacy, our desire is to love and serve all.  Therefore, we strive very hard to avoid any sense of “legalism” or “required belief” in order to succeed here.  Legacy residents represent a diverse cross-section of beliefs- ranging from Christian to Wiccan, Jehovah’s Witness to “unaffiliated” …  We hope to love and serve each, to the very best of our ability, as a sister and a friend.

In addition to the unique opportunity our status as a faith-based nonprofit provides, there are challenges as well. Government funding comes with “strings attached”, and we have therefore chosen to forego such funding. That's where you can potentially "stand in the gap". If our vision resonates with you, please consider joining our Legacy community by donating your time, talent, or resources. You can visit our webpage to learn more.

Thanks for reading, please share with your friends, and check for updates regularly!
Deborah's Legacy
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