Welcome to our new blog! Thank you Heather and Rita at CoffeeShop Designs for successfully translating all our imaginings into a beautiful (and usable) reality! (Isn't our new logo amazing?!)
deep!) I'm talking about the vision-guiding, what-are-we-all-about and why-do-we-do-what-we-do kind of philosophy. "Life at Legacy 101".
We have learned a lot in the few short years since our first resident walked through that door. God has shown us (and is STILL showing us) who we ARE and who we are NOT. The Legacy program provides a unique opportunity and we (above all else) want to hold fast to the vision God has called us to. So in the upcoming weeks, we plan to unpack that vision for you, reminding ourselves and clarifying to others what it is that sets Legacy apart. Our next few posts will cover 4 basic differences between Legacy and other agencies:
1. Legacy is NOT a government agency.
2. Legacy is NOT compulsory.
3. Legacy is NOT staffed 24 hours/day.
4. Legacy is NOT easy.
Putting a thing in writing and broadcasting it to the world has a way of keeping one accountable to the vision. It also helps communicate that vision to potential residents, volunteers, donors, or referring agencies. Either way, it's a win/win!
In addition to vision-casting, we will also be posting about Legacy events & happenings, insights into what God is currently teaching our little community (the good, the bad, & the ugly), as well as how you can come alongside Legacy in the days ahead. Whether you are a tried-and-true supporter or are just hearing about Legacy for the first time, we are blessed by your interest! Thanks for stopping by our new little corner of the web. We hope to see you here often.